Our Partners.
Thank You for Endorsing the GotGanja Movement

We are proud to count the brands below as our partners in this endeavor. We thank them for endorsing this initiative and supporting this GotGanja Movement which is being developed the raise awareness and drive education all to promote Jamaica’s role in the global cannabis industry.

If you would like to join us and endorse and support this initiative, please send an email to gotganja@canexjamaica.com.



Official GotGanja Partners

SEE MORE OF those who got ganga


What we mean by this is allowing people to share the way in which they use ganja and it serves them productively in their lives; that can mean an air, character, radiance, ambrance, atmosphere, mood, emanation, magnetism, charisma, brilliance, gleam, glimmer, tone, shine, glorification, exaltation, shine, mesmerism.....however it impacts them and ultimately how it makes them feel healthier, reduces stress, anxiety, supports their health, reduces pain, and overall gives them a better and "greener" life.